Trip Building

If you haven’t travelled with us before, then the most important point is that it’s never too soon to get in touch. Please don’t feel you have to have it all researched in advance. We want the process of building a trip to be as easy and fun as possible. In essence the way it works is as follows …

… you give us some small idea about the type of people you are, where you might fancy going and what you want to get up to.

… we come back with several inspirational and relevant sample trips showing a range of different options. No hard sell, no obligation on your part.

… you check these and give us some feedback.

… we iterate a few times until the trip is perfect.

It really shouldn’t be too arduous, especially if a good deal of the communication is done by email and the odd phone call if we need to clarify something.

Try it out. We will do our best to impress you with our first response!

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